Yero Samuel Ndiaye


Summer Term 2024

I am teaching an undergraduate course in Game Theory, an undergraduate seminar in Behavioral Management Science and a graduate course in Contract Theory.

Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in writing your bachelor's or master's thesis about a topic in Health Economics, Media Bias, or on the Economics of Civil Liberties.

If you are looking for inspiration, you can look at this list of specific topics:

  1. Measuring (the Effect of) Media Bias


For my teaching in the summer semester of 2022, I received the Junior Teaching Award.

Past teaching

  1. Undergraduate course in Behavioral Economics (WT 2023)
  2. Undegraduate course Behavioral Management Science (ST 2022, ST 2023)
  3. Undergraduate course in Economic Design (WT 2023, WT 2023)
  4. Undergraduate course Game Theory (ST 2022, ST 2023)
  5. Undergraduate course Probability Calculus & Inferential Statistics (2016-19)
  6. Supervision of twelve undergraduate and two graduate theses (since 2021)